Exeter battles Andover, Tabor, NMH on the Merrimack

All twelve Exeter crews traveled to the Merrimack River to race Andover, Tabor, and Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH). Fair weather with low wind made for fast races in all events. On the boys side, only B2 managed to edge Andover on their home course, with B3, and B4 finishing closely behind Andover and B1 tying for second in a rare dead heat with Tabor. The girls squad fared better, with G1, G2, and G3 taking first and G4 taking second.

B1 B2 B3 B4
Andover 4:39.8 Exeter 4:54.4 Andover 4:54.1 Andover 5:04.8
Exeter 4:41.6 Andover 4:55 Exeter 4:57.1 Exeter 5:09
Tabor 4:41.6 Tabor 4:56 Tabor 5:22.3
NMH 4:44.6 NMH 5:07.5 NMH 5:42.3
G1 G2 G3 G4
Exeter 5:17.0 Exeter 5:21.8 Exeter 5:30.2 Andover 5:48.6
Andover 5:20.9 Andover 5:34.5 Andover 5:35.0 Exeter 6:01.3
Tabor 5:21.5 NMH 5:39.5 Tabor 5:59.6 NMH 6:13.2
NMH 5:32.9 Tabor 5:42.1 NMH 6:07.3
B5 B6 G5 G6
Andover 5:18 Tabor B5 5:31 Andover 5:45.9 Exeter 6:07.2
Exeter 5:29 Andover 5:32 NMH 6:22.17 Andover 6:18.4
Tabor B4 5:32 Exeter 5:36 Exeter 6:42.5


Please enjoy the photos below taken from the race. If you have photos you want to share, sign up for a free Flickr account and add the photos to the Exeter Crew photo pool according to the instructions. The tag for this race is “2014andover“.

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Exeter sweeps Hanover in home races

Eight Exeter crews raced Hanover High School at home on the Squamscott River. Racing on the straightaway near Newfields, NH, B1 through B4 and G1 through G4 used their home course advantage to beat Hanover in all events.

B1 B2 B3 B4
Exeter 4:32.75 Exeter 5:03.65 Exeter 5:11.19 Exeter 5:22.83
Hanover 4:48.74 Hanover 5:13.11 Hanover 5:26.15 Hanover 5:51.13
G1 G2 G3 G4
Exeter 5:08 Exeter 5:35 Exeter 5:52 Exeter 7:22
Hanover 5:18 Hanover 5:50 Hanover 6:04 Hanover 7:41


Please enjoy the photos below taken from the race. If you have photos you want to share, sign up for a free Flickr account and add the photos to the Exeter Crew photo pool according to the instructions. The tag for this race is “2014hanover“.

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Exeter takes points trophy against Kent; boys sweep

Eight Exeter crews faced off against perennial rival Kent at Lake Waramaug in Kent, CT. Unlike last week’s races against 5 or 6 opponents, these dual races each contain only two boats vying for the lead. Conditions were fair, with some rain and wind coming at the end of the day. The girls squad struggled, with only G1 beating Kent. The boys squad fared better, sweeping Kent for the first time in over a decade.

B1 B2 B3 B4
Exeter 4:40.5 Exeter 4:49.4 Exeter 4:55.1 Exeter 5:10.9
Kent 4:41.1 Kent 4:54 Kent 4:59.1 Kent 5:40.3
G1 G2 G3 G4
Exeter 5:10.9 Kent 5:27.2 Kent 5:33.4 Kent 6:07.3
Kent 5:12.8 Exeter 5:30.6 Exeter 5:43.7 Exeter 6:20.5


Please enjoy the photos below taken from the race. If you have photos you want to share, sign up for a free Flickr account and add the photos to the Exeter Crew photo pool according to the instructions. The tag for this race is “2014kent“.

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