Exeter takes team trophy at Andover, Tabor meet

All twelve Exeter crews raced against Andover and Tabor today at Andover’s home course on the Merrimack River. Race times were fast across the board with clear skies, a strong tailwind, and the Merrimack’s steady current. The girls squad handily won all of their races with open water, while the boys squad struggled against very competitive Andover and Tabor crews. Overall, Exeter took first place in the points trophy, winning the David Swift trophy. Full results below:

B1 B2 B3 B4
Tabor 04:35.1 Andover 04:33.8 Andover 04:48.5 Andover 04:54.6
Andover 04:35.5 Exeter 04:37.1 Exeter 04:54.8 Exeter 05:04.7
Exeter 04:43.7 Tabor 04:38.5 Tabor 05:02.5 Tabor 05:27.2
G1 G2 G3 G4
Exeter 04:54.3 Exeter 05:00.5 Exeter 05:05.7 Exeter 05:18.4
Tabor 05:03.4 Andover 05:12.1 Andover 05:13.3 Andover 05:32.9
Andover 05:11.8 Tabor 05:33.4 Tabor 05:40.5
B5 B6 G5/G6
Andover 04:55.6 PA 6 04:55.7 Exeter 5 05:12.2
Exeter 05:29.1 PA 7 05:11.9 Andover 05:21.0
Exeter 05:18.9 Exeter 6 05:30.5
Tabor 4 05:30.5

Please enjoy the photos below taken from the race. If you have photos you want to share, sign up for a free Flickr account and add the photos to the Exeter Crew photo pool according to the instructions. The tag for this race is “2012andover“.

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