Exeter sweeps Hanover in home meet

Ten Exeter crews raced against Hanover High School on the Squamscott River on Saturday. With the home course advantage, Exeter crews swept the young Hanover program in all nine races.

B1 B2 B3 B4
Exeter 4:22.0 Exeter 4:25.4 Exeter 4:40.8 Exeter 5:27.5
Hanover 4:31.2 Hanover 4:42.2 Hanover 4:53.7 Hanover 6:12.0
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5/G6
Exeter 4:48 Exeter 4:54.4 Exeter 5:05 Exeter 5:18 Exeter 3:13
Hanover 5:03 Hanover 5:05.8 Hanover 5:13 Hanover 5:24 Exeter 3:20
Hanover 3:21

Boys captain Isaiah Brown ’12 said he was pleased with the results against Hanover. “B2 did a great job and raced fast. B1 struggled a little more to have the same focus we did that last few weeks.” This week was challenging for all crews due to Principal’s Day on Tuesday and unfavorable tides the rest of the week. Looking forward, Brown says the varsity boys hope to “get more comfortable at higher ratings.”

Please enjoy the photos below taken from the race. If you have photos you want to share, sign up for a free Flickr account and add the photos to the Exeter Crew photo pool according to the instructions. The tag for this race is “2012hanover“.

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