Exeter wins six of eight against Kent, SPS

Eight Exeter crews raced against Kent and St. Paul’s yesterday evening on Turkey Pond in Concord, NH. Despite a last minute change in venue and unusually late race times, the meet went off largely without a hitch. Girls varsity coach Sally Morris said, “When we arrived, there were whitecaps churning down the lake in what would have been a fierce headwind, but with each minute, the winds lessened and by the time G2 raced, the lake was like glass.” All in all, Exeter crews took first place in six of eight races.

B1 B2 B3 B4
Exeter 4:31.1 Kent 4:47.1 Exeter 5:19.7 Exeter 5:34.6
Kent 4:37.8 Exeter 4:48.5 Kent 5:20.4 Kent 5:40.6
SPS 4:43.5 SPS 5:12.2 SPS 5:36.1 SPS 5:41.1
G1 G2 G3 G4
SPS 5:14.0 Exeter 5:21.6 Exeter 5:40.4 Exeter 6:03.3
Exeter 5:17.8 Kent 5:32.1 Kent 5:46.0 Kent 6:13.7
Kent 5:27.8 SPS 5:33.9 SPS 6:02.7 SPS 6:47.1

Thoughts from the captains are forthcoming.

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